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Wide range of accessories for liquid and gas chromatography.

VICI Valco

  • Wide range of switching and selection valves for UHPLC, HPLC and GC (page 80)
  • Stainless steel and polymer fittings (page 10)
  • Accessories for GC (page 218)
  • Different types of tubing (page 66)
  • Gas analyzers
  • Pulse discharge detectors
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  • Coupling material for HPLC and UHPLC
  • Nanovolume HPLC fittings
  • Capillaries made of stainless steel, PEEK, PTFE, PFA, ETFE, FEP
  • Frits and filters, empty PEEK columns
  • Chromatographic accessories
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IDEX Health & Science, LLC is a global leader in fluidics, microfluidics and optics. It offers solutions at the level of common parts, components and even subsystem assemblies for fluidics and optics applications.

  • Upchurch fasteners (capillaries, fittings, reducers, adapters, frits, caps)
  • Manual and motorized entiles and accessories (Rheodyne, Upchurch)
  • Flow control elements, back pressure regulators
  • Vacuum degassers
  • Empty columns and accessories
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